Monday, March 12, 2012

The Poisoner's Handbook

From my reading, I have been able to learn that the chief of medical examiner, Charles Norris, and the toxicologist, Alexander Gettler, have led forensic chemistry in New York. This book gets more interesting every time I read it. I was expecting this book to be boring, but I have been fasinated by what medical examiners and toxicologist must do in order to identify a poison in a human body. I didn't realize what the toxicologist must do in order to find a poison. For example to find cynaide in the body the author states " Any cyanide would be concentrated in the clear fluid contained by that last well-chilled flask." pg 60, explaining what Gettler had just finished doing in order to find the cyanide. In my reading I have also realized how important it was to have a forensic hall in big cities that way the medical examiners and toxicologist can help solve murders involved with wood alcohol, cyanides and other poisons. I can't wait to continue reading this book.  Here is a link for the book review.

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